woff 發表於 2011-2-16 12:53:16

vmnet0 not running

The network bridge on device VMnet0 is not running. The virtual machine will not be able to communicate with the host or with other machines on your network.
Virtual device Ethernet0 will start disconnected.

原因在於卸載重裝後,原來的VMware Bridge Protocol服務丟失了!
在網上找到解決方法如下:在"網絡連接"中,發現VMware的虛擬網卡VMnet1屬性裡少了一項VMware Bridge Protocol.
1.在"VMware Network Adapter VMnet1屬性"中,點"安裝"->"服務"->"添加..."->廠商中選擇"VMware,Inc",網絡服務中選擇"VMware Bridge Protocol 版本: "->"從磁盤安裝..."->"瀏覽"->C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\netbridge.inf(這裡選你自己安裝目錄下的)->"打開"
2.現在在"VMware Network Adapter VMnet1屬性"中看到了"VMware Bridge Protocol",鉤選它,點"屬性",在"VMnet number"填上0,重啟機器。
記得,只設置VMnet1就行了,VMnet8千萬不能設成在"VMnet number"填上0!
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