test 發表於 2014-10-22 16:08:26


古迹:Agnes Keith 故居
简介:在1834年到1942年间,美国女作家Agnes Newton Keith与她的丈夫及家人居于此处,因而使这座普通的住宅扬名海外。
沿着Jalan Istana 蜿蜒而上,在山打根城市后方坐落着刚被修复完毕的英国殖民政府的旧址“Newlands”,Agnes Newton Keith 也曾经在这里住过。沙巴博物馆与联合总署博物馆合作,在2001年开始了修复Agnes Keith故居的工程。紧接着,于2004年4月26日,Agnes Keith 故居重新向大众开放,这包含了沙巴人民对这位美国女作家的高度崇敬之情。在Agnes Keith 故居内,有简单的殖民时期的仿造家具和古董陈设。位于一楼的画廊向人们展示了这位非凡的女人一生传奇的故事,以及Agnes Keith的文书作品和她钟爱的丈夫哈里和儿子乔治的简介。Keith time-line罗列了从1873年开始到2004年为止,整个Keiths家族的过去和现在。

古迹:English Tea House

古迹:百步梯 (Stairs with 100 steps)

古迹:观音庙 (Goddess of Mercy Chinese Temple)

古迹:三圣宫(Sam Kung Chinese Temple)


古迹:St. Michael's and All Angels Church
简介:Designed by New Zealander Mr. B.W. Mountfort, the building was first constructed with belian (ironwood) timber, followed by brick and finally stone, which is said to have from the nearby Buli Sim Sim, while the white stones that adorn the windows and doors are from Hong Kong.

The Church avoided major damage during World War II in the 1940s and remains one of the very few stone buildings in the whole of Sabah. The beautiful stained glass windows in the church were donated by Australians to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

古迹: 日本坟场 Japanese Cemetery

古迹:二次大战战争纪念碑 War World II Chinese Memorial



woff 發表於 2014-12-15 16:10:41

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