Galaxy S4 I9500 怎麼更新到 Omega Android 4.4.2 KitKat 客製 ROM 呢? 首先先下載Omega Android 4.4.2 KitKat 客製 ROM 載點: 你的Galaxy S4 I9500必須先root及安裝 (ClockworkMod recovery / TWRP recovery) root需要安裝CF-Root 載點: 然後下載 (ClockworkMod recovery / TWRP recovery) 載點: 最重要的工具 ODIN3.07 載點:
都下載好了以後 打開手機USB偵錯及安裝三星手機驅動程式 如果是第一次ROOT請參考此篇
1.CF-Auto-Root 首先先打開ODIN3.07 先把手機進入下載挖礦模式 先關機 然後同時壓三鍵 HOME + POWER + 音源鍵 - 然後壓音源鍵+
勾選PDA並選擇CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-ja3g-ja3gxx-gti9500.md5.tar 電腦接上USB連接手機 並等待左上角出現COM:X 出現代表電腦USB與手機已連結
2.(ClockworkMod recovery / TWRP recovery)刷機模式如步驟一 把檔案 GT-I9500-CWM- 載入PDA 進入下載挖煤模式 壓Start等待刷機完成
3.刷Omega客製ROM 先把Omega客製ROM檔案 放入手機SD卡內部 進入手機WIPE模式 先關機 然後同時壓三鍵 HOME + POWER + 音源鍵 + 先清除個人資料 wipe data/factory reset 及 wipe cache partition 都點選 YES 然後 install zip -> choose zip from /storge/sdcard1 點選 然後就一直 next 即可 最後重新開機就完成了 為什麼要安裝Omega KitKat ROM呢? 重要的是他移除了KNOX這惱人的APP及把SELINUX設成寬容模式Permissive 裡面其實還有非常多客製的APP非常好用 請享用 介紹一下Android 4.4.2 Omega KitKat ROM修改內容 - Build from 4.4.2 Samsung sources
- Build with stock ARM toolchain 4.6
- Selinux status set to Permissive
- busybox
- init.d support
- Insecure
- Adb Insecure
- Modem UBUFNA2
- Multi csc
- Busybox
- Aroma Installer
- Option to full wipe from aroma installer
- Option to Remove all Bloatware from aroma [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]installer
- Option to install or not all Omega addon apps from aroma installer
- Wipe cache partition automatic before roms installation
- Wipe Dalvik Cache automatic during installation
- Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
- Wipe System automatic before roms installation
- Omegas Emblem Bootanimation by our artist anbech
- Omegas Emblem Shutdown animation by our artist anbech
- OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers
- OmegaDroid Wallpapers application
- Call Recording
- Phone with no increasing ringtone
- 4-way reboot menu
- Battery % mod
- Hide sms [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]from call logs
- No sms to mms conversion
- Unlimited contacts to sms – mms
- sms/mms Backup – Restore
- Increased sms hour limit to 1000
- Disable scrolling cache
- Email with Exchange Security Disabled
- Exit button to stock [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]browser
- Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
- Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
- Camera shutter sound on-off
- Task manager shortcut app