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Abiphp?name=Word"  class="t_tag">Word is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks.Download AbiWordOur latest stable release is version 2.6.3.It's available for a number of languages and operating systems. Release Notes, ChangeLog, Download.  Take a TourThis tour explains in a nutshell what AbiWord is capable of. Have a look to see what functionality AbiWord has to offer you!ScreenshotsScreenshots let you see what AbiWord looks like while it's running.  They can give you a good feel for what AbiWord is like without downloadingthe program.ReviewsAbiWord is a great word processor, and has attracted a lot of attention.We've assembled a collection of the many reviews that people have written aboutAbiWord.AwardsHere you can see photos of the impressive awards that AbiWord has received.Thanks to the AbiWord developers for creating such a great program!
Windows Screenshots

AbiWord displaying a fairly complex document.
MacOSX Screenshots

AbiWord displaying a fairly complex document.
GNOME Screenshots

AbiWord displaying a fairly complex document.

AbiWord in Yiddish (by Raphael Finkel).
QNX/Photon Screenshots


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